My Marathon.
Notice that I'm not necessarily greater that my marathon, and that I'm quite possibly equal to it. Because it almost bested me, only by shear willpower was I able to make it across that finish line.
It makes me unbelievably happy to be able to say that I'm done with it. As of right now I still am walking like I was mugged and brutally beaten on Saturday, and that is certainly earning me some strange looks from the people of Seattle. I'm pretty sure everyone here either thinks that I am drunk, or a junkie. So I'm doing my best to play the part, it's more fun that way.
A lot of what I want to say is thank you to all those who supported me. But I feel like I didn't get a whole lot of that. I think it's time that I thank the person who pushed me the hardest to get this done.
Self centered much? Yeah, I don't really care. I was one of the only runners that I noticed was alone through the entire process of registration, race prep, and running. When I got to the end of the race, what did I get? A bottle of Gatorade. Granted it was delicious, having run for that long you nurture a thirst that is unlike any other. All of this while watching others run into the arms of their family, and their friends. Meanwhile my greatest support was more than one thousand miles away, and even they couldn't be bothered to answer a phone call when the race was done.
I do things by myself a lot these days, and I'm really starting to like it that way. I've found that although it is a lonely feeling, solitude can also be one of the most transcending and beautiful ways of living.
But you know what, you know who I couldn't have done the race without? Absolutely would have fallen flat on my face without the aid of? Zac Brown and his Band.
You think that's weird maybe?
Probably yeah..
But one can't underestimate the power of the right kind of music while you're running for five and a half hours. That shit gets boring.
But HOLY SHIT, I digress.
I want to thank everyone that has been in my life, good or bad, because you have made me who I am today. Even if I think I hate you, you're a part of me. Especially if you hate me, you're a part of me ;)
For those of you that I love, and I truly hope that you know who you are. You are a BIG part of me, and I hope that you will continue to be that to me.
My marathon let me figure something out that has taken far too long to discover. I am strong, and I don't need other people to hold me up.
I know this last photo has been used, and re-used, and re-hashed and shared, and posted and liked about a million times. But I think it fits here.