What now?

Looking into the future, it is a bright and happy place as long as I make it so.

Can I not be me without someone else there to guide me? I want to be able to share my independent self with those I love. I intend to do just that, my identity is independent from this day forth... As best I can progress towards this goal.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Life is like a box of chocolates


No it's fucking not....

Life is nothing like a box of chocolates, for reason of comparison a box of chocolates is far to predictable to hold any symbolic meaning of how life really is.

Life is about as predictable as the lottery, you'll never get it right.
But if you do you have a really good chance of winning it big.

I can't say that I know where my life is right now, but at least for the first time in a long time I can say that I know where it is going. I'm going to save lives, I'm going to be the best EMT that my abilities will allow me to be.