I feel as though... I'm sitting within the 7th step of an octave. One simple step away from resolution. Just one last note need be played, and all can move forward. Yet I cannot play the eighth.
I am stuck. Not of my own choosing, but none the less, I am stuck.
I can't see the benefit of ending on the seventh. Nobody walks away happier for it. I'm sure if you've ever ended a song without true musical resolution you understand that in fact, the song has simply not ended. It's either that, or the composer has chosen to render you vastly more uncomfortable than you thought music could leave you. All for the sake of torturing you.
Just so they can lord it over you that they have the upper hand! "HA." An empty proclamation.
When it could so simply be resolved.
Can the musician meet the composer? Can peace be made?
The two would never have to interact again, but for the love of life WHY can't their separation be on a good note. Or a good chord. Just so that everyone can breathe deep, and let the past stay where it belongs.
I hope this message can reach anyone in the world trying to hold a grudge. Holding onto the bad feelings to keep themselves at bay.
Find a way to let yourself go, and help others do the same. Face the music, all of it.
What now?
Looking into the future, it is a bright and happy place as long as I make it so.
Can I not be me without someone else there to guide me? I want to be able to share my independent self with those I love. I intend to do just that, my identity is independent from this day forth... As best I can progress towards this goal.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Thursday, 19 July 2012
"Nuff said"
People always put that by something that apparently needs no words to compliment it....
Then why are you saying, "Nuff said?"
If something truly stands on it's own, the let it.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
It's back to the good old days of summer. Sleepless nights, followed by long days at work in the hot and unforgiving sun. Fortunately I'm still suffering the suns wrath whilst working next to a lake, so it's not overly difficult to find relief.
Just like every summer of the last 5 years of my life, some things came together at the beginning of the season that brought a lot of joy into my life. Then, as if Houdini himself planned it, it was gone. Although I suppose that in this instance it comes with some level of explanation, not the mystery that is the draw of magic tricks.
I don't know why it always seems to go that way for me...
I'm looking forward to being immersed in a school environment again this upcoming fall, and looking even further ahead, I am beyond enthusiastic about rejoining the ranks of Park City's ski patrol. Even with all of these incredible things happening to me, and happening around me; I can't help but feel like there is something missing. It's like what I have is good, but I still need to find that secret ingredient that is going to make it great.
Just like every summer of the last 5 years of my life, some things came together at the beginning of the season that brought a lot of joy into my life. Then, as if Houdini himself planned it, it was gone. Although I suppose that in this instance it comes with some level of explanation, not the mystery that is the draw of magic tricks.
I don't know why it always seems to go that way for me...
I'm looking forward to being immersed in a school environment again this upcoming fall, and looking even further ahead, I am beyond enthusiastic about rejoining the ranks of Park City's ski patrol. Even with all of these incredible things happening to me, and happening around me; I can't help but feel like there is something missing. It's like what I have is good, but I still need to find that secret ingredient that is going to make it great.
There is time yet, to seek out and discover this 'secret ingredient'. So as always I must struggle to be on the winning side of the internal struggle to keep on believing.
Here's the real kicker, I knew going into this summer that I didn't have it, but just being where I was made me plenty happy. I wasn't about to ask for more, I didn't want to ask questions, I just wanted to go with it. So I did, and that alone made me content... or satisfied... whatever. The point is, just like every other summer, I went into my longer and brighter days of the year a happy person. Yet somehow, it all had to change.
It's not something that frightens me, or at least I don't think that it does. However, the time when change is afoot, but not quite in full bloom. A sort of purgatory if you will. That place of indecision, where it seems that all must come to a stand still to truly grasp the vastness, or scale of the change. Just as the idea is about to be given that little push necessary to grow and mature into bigger and better things. I Hate That Feeling. I don't do that. I won't let it happen to me. It's the same thing as standing on the diving board too long before you jump, and everyone around you is saying, "Don't think about it! Just do it!"
JUMP. Take the leap! Because then no matter what happens, you still tried. You can walk away saying to yourself, "That was awful, and I'll probably never do that again. But hey, at least I tried it."
I think everyone could use a little more, do before you think attitude.
Get up that wall. I promise you, you'll be happy that you did it.
So maybe my theme this summer will be, 'At least I tried.' I think I like that.
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